Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ouch, my wrist . . .

After dropping my f-bomb yesterday, I proceeded to email all of the teachers who didn't get their extra pay an explanation. In a nutshell, I turned paperwork in to Opie, it sat on Opie's assistant's desk, vois la, no pay for all of you. Addressed to all teachers concerned, cc'd to Opie, my principal,

Today I'm told to direct any problems directly to my principal as Opie did not appreciate being thrown under the bus. "You mean the same bus that I'm laying under?" Well the email was placing blame at Opie's office. "It WAS their fault." Opie wanted the chance to investigate. "I turned things in BEFORE it was due, emphasized the importance of getting this done in time and it wasn't done; therefore, their fault." Just contact ME in the future, not my boss.

Okay micromanager. I will make sure that the rain is only on YOUR parade.

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