Friday, September 26, 2008

What comes around . . .

Bohemoth hair accessory. Blue polyester faux silk brocade jacket w/Imelda Marcos puffed-sleeve treatment. Silk ankle-length twist skirt. Blue Birkenstocks

Never throw any fine fashion away because it will always come back . . . like a bad canker sore or dengue fever. But I selectively follow this mantra and save a few fashion gems in the recesses of my closet, because one just never knows.

As a teacher, I work at a school that has different celebrations (homecoming, Halloween, Ethnic Celebrations, etc.) which might call for dressing up in some sort of theme. I have intermittently participated through the years, having shown up to school as a punk rocker, Buckwheat, a groovy gal from 70's and most recently I rocked the 80's. Did I go out of my way to purchase a costume? No, these fine ensembles were all just hanging in my closet. Proud? Maybe. Disturbing? Definitely . . .

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